Every winter we dream of spring. Art was busy the entire month of January pruning the vines, trees, and transplanting a few trees around the garden. He's even pulled branches to create archways through the garden and in the back
I was away for a few weeks celebrating my matriarch's 90th birthday. When I returned last week to the bare homestead I was greeted by the buds on our thana (cornelius cherry) trees were popping with their yellow flowers.

This week we transformed the garden to prep for spring planting. And we've planted additional onions, next up potatoes. We are still harvesting spring onions, spring garlic, spinach and parsley everyday for our omelets.
Speaking of omelets our hens have been pumping out the eggs and we are collecting 14-19 eggs a day. We expect that number to grow as our youngest chicks are still maturing. It becomes a game to discover where said hens have laid these eggs. We've found them outside of the nesting boxes in few places around the homestead including a plastic crate below our bedroom window, the wood shed middle shelf and top shelf and drum roll....the old out house now repurposed piggy pen.
We took the bikes to the lake. It was great to stretch my legs and take in some beautiful scenery. It's our go to afternoon spot at Syri i Sheganit Bar and Restorant.
When we returned from the lake, Art worked on expanding the swimming pond for our little ducks Jolly and Polly.

He cut a plastic barrel in half and buried it near there nesting box.
Our morning coffee time is normally spent on the front porch and the weather has held up this last week. We enjoy the chickens and ducks roaming around the vineyard but as the warmer days are coming we've noticed a few more birdies. We've added a new youtube channel to share more videos and photos of said birds at https://www.youtube.com/@BirdsWatchingYou


Black Redstart

Hooded Crow

Common Buzzard


Long tailed bushtit

Old World Sparrow

Great Tit

Eurasian Chaffinch
