Last fall my husband planted cabbage, garlic, and onions. Cabbage never really took off, we planted it a little late in the season but we had success with garlic and onions. After a very wet January and the temperatures starting to rise we started to prep for spring planting. We spent a few days researching, discussing and gathering seeds and bulbs. We started with two new rows for more garlic and onions and eventually a third row. This was manual shovel to earth dig, wacking aka tilling and weeding, sweat equity times 1000. His mom and our neighbor helped with the planting of the first two rows of onions and I had the first experience shoveling poo aka fertilizer. At the end of the third row we planted spring lettuce, spinach and arugula. My husband created a mini green house for the greens, temperatures where still low at night
Next we dug out a small herb garden for dill, oregano, basil, lavender, and chamomile. And then our potato project began. THIS DIGGING TOOK FOREVER! And just when when I thought we were close to done, our neighbor showed up with another 10 kg of baby potatoes to plant and then 5 kg two days later. In total we planted 15 kg of baby potatoes and 30 kg of regular potatoes.
While we were digging our potato garden my sister-in-law was visiting and her husband's aunt decided we needed three chickens, so we had 30 minutes to figure out a coop. We had discussed chickens for the spring when we fixed our out building but plan B, the old outhouse. My husband is amazing as always, he built a roost out of bamboo sticks, yes we have a random cluster of bamboo, and when the chickens arrived. We did clip their wings, we have rogue chickens from the neighbors jumping the fence so we wanted to prevent their wandering. And of course I named them Red, Henrietta, and Josephine.
We cleaned out the failed cabbage and planted bush and climbing beans, carrots, leeks, pumpkin, and corn. Also started an extension of the winter onions along the back of the garden for strawberries, tea, cucumbers, egg plants and extended the herb garden to break up the spring lettuce. And then we moved on to a larger garden for zucchini, tomatoes, variety of peppers, cucumbers, sweet potatoes, cherry tomatoes, more bush beans, and then we moved to the front of the garden.
We planted two peach trees, two cherry trees, three blueberry bushes, four blackberry bushes, and three different apple trees along the side and front of the garden. We dug out in front of the peach and cherry trees for additional cucumber, watermelon, cantaloupe
and corn.

We also gained a few additional animals during this time, we found a turtle in the garden we named her Juliet and when cleaning the field next to our garden we found her Romeo and brought him over to our garden. And received three additional chickens Juanita, Joy and Barn and two roosters Jack and Captain. And my wonderful husband installed a swing on the large mulberry tree.
Are you tired yet, because I was exhausted after all the digging for the garden but we still had to dig out the vines, one foot on either side of the vine is good maintenance.
When I first arrived at the home it was pink inside and tan outside, I ask to paint but husband simply said "Spring". So for my birthday he painted the interior and exterior and I painted the gate.