We started off this year planning for the new pomegranate orchard and the first phase includes a well.
Why do we need a well? From May to September we are usually in near drought conditions. Our first summer we barely had no rain just a short passing thunderstorm. The second summer included a few showers but nothing substantial. Great for the vines but hard on the garden and new trees.
Why can't we just rely on the city water? Well the entire region is full of little homesteads and if we used the city water for all of our fields, the taps would essentially run dry.
Art did what anyone does when selecting a new service or starting a new project. Research. The average depth of wells in the area are approximately 100 meters. The average price per meter was $70. We know from just digging and planting our garden the last two years that the bedrock under our land is pretty thick. We are estimating it will be closer to the 80-100 meter mark based on the neighboring wells. That sticker price was a shock because that doesn't include the pump, pipes and power to run the well. Insert big gulp.
Regardless of sticker shock, we know that it is going to be necessary. We
selected a group from nearby city to dig the well. They arrived yesterday morning and dropped off some equipment. What surprised me most about the men that arrived is that the youngest was probably mid-50s and the other two early 60s. Why is this surprising? Here in our tiny town there are dozens of young men in there 20s and 30s that occupy the cafes all day and night. This group of elders shows up with a grin and shrugs off the heavy equipment like it's no problem.
Where are we putting the well? In the middle of our garlic and onion beds, why you may ask? Great question! When Art comes up with a reasonable excuse for ruining the beautiful garlic and onions we planted for spring I'll let you know.


On a brighter note, our garden should thrive with the extra water available. We are prepping the land around where the orchard with a thorny bramble perimeter to keep livestock that roams out of the field we will be planting. And there are a few old pear cheers scattered on the land. I was given the task of chopping down an oak tree that was shading said pear tree. And I would like to report I managed to yell "timber" with pride. I have helped but never chopped down an entire tree on my own until yesterday.
We have a bit more rain forecasted in the next ten days then hopefully we can start with the clean up and prep of the vines for the season. We do plan to build a few more trellises. They create great shaded areas in the garden. We've discussed setting up hammocks and/or bistro tables under each one. What's your vote?

Other news includes a hardcover of Castle of Teskom on Amazon.
We have considered a rain water collection system. Not enough rain to make it through the dry season. Some of the local ponds are nearly dry by end of the season.
Hi Kim, would the terrain and climate also allow for storing winter rain in a tank/pond/weir?